Renowned as an American actress and producer, Jennifer Aniston was introduced into Hollywood with her breakthrough in the 1993 film
“Leprechaun.” However, she cemented her status as a household name through her unforgettable portrayal of Rachel Green in the TV sitcom
“Friends,” a role that graced screens from 1994 to 2004.
Since her sitcom days, Aniston’s stardom has only increased, featuring numerous blockbuster movies that collectively grossed an astounding $1.6 billion worldwide. Her performances have not only solidified her place as one of the highest-paid actresses in the world, but also earned her accolades, including a Primetime Emmy, a Golden Globe and two Screen Actors Guild awards.
Beyond her on-screen achievements, Aniston ventured into the realm of production, co-founding the production company Echo Films in 2008. As she marks her 55th birthday on Jan. 11, 2024, Jennifer Aniston is seen as a Hollywood icon with talent that has significantly shaped the entertainment world.