Jennifer Aniston’s very normal boyfriend

If we were writing a dating advert for Jennifer Aniston, judging by her past relationships, we’d probably say she’s looking for a drop-dead

gorgeous Hollywood star with a bank balance as big as his awards cabinet. A-lister Jen-An has never really strayed from her type when it

comes to men…until now. And an insider tells heat the 54 year old is changing tack in the hope of finally finding The One.

“Jennifer has always dated actors and musicians, that’s just been her type,” says our source.

“Now, though, she’s saying she wants to break her pattern, try something totally new and meet a guy who’s the polar opposite. She’s even saying she’s open to a blue-collar type – she loves the idea of a man who builds something with his hands. It’s super-sexy to her.”

The Friends star’s roll call of famous exes includes actors Tate Donovan, Brad Pitt and Vince Vaughn, singer John Mayer, and actor and screenwriter Justin Theroux. But Jen hasn’t had a serious relationship since their divorce in 2018. No wonder the star is done with A-list men.

“Her new thing is saying she wants to find her Aiden, like Carrie in Sex And The City,” our insider says.

“Of course, she’s being playful about it, but it’s not far off from where her head is at right now. She really wants to meet someone totally down to earth, and – most importantly – someone who’s not in the industry. She’s done with the Hollywood guys. She can’t deal with all the ego and pretentiousness.”